Showing posts with label DOJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOJ. Show all posts

Monday 27 November 2023

Martin Shkreli - Sam Bankman Fried - Horse Paste (Ivermectin) & The Occulted

I dropped my guard when I glanced at the Martin Shkreli story in 2015.

Instead of reversing the toxic legacy media narrative, I foolishly took the barrage of incendiary stories and unfairly pegged him as parasitic hedge fund manager in the most corrupt business sector on the planet of Pharmaceuticals. He substantially raised prices on an anti parasitic drug from US$13.50 to $750 a pill for an analog of Ivermectin that the corrupt news media and big pharma lied about during the CoVID scamdemic. Martin was singled out by the neoliberal media for his 2 minutes of Orwellian mainstream media global hate. He made the mistake of mocking Hillary Clinton who pulled strings in the Department of Justice on him with juicy optics for the 'Democratic' party believers of the news media. They singled out a poster boy for predator capitalism. Naturally Democratic supporters aren't interested in her real views...

I was lucky enough to revisit his story as Tucker Carlson who was fired from FOX News interviewed him on the X platform I am suspended on and unable to use ever again. That's why it's Youtube I've embedded above. Dumb as 'a' rock move Elon. You're driving traffic to this site as people don't understand why I'm more of a threat to you and your AI management suite than far right anti semitic Zionist and English intelligence asset Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Christopher Yaxley.

What I learned in the Tucker interview is that Martin Shkreli has been contacted by far left Crypto fraud Sam Bankman Fried for advice on how to survive in prison. It's worth watching because the answer has incentivised me to dispense with my longstanding bias against celebrities and celebrity news, so my focus on the advice of Mr Shkreli, is going to be celebrity rap stars and their music. I'm quite excited because I already know something about Doja Cat that most people have mistaken views on.

That's the occulted information in the title that I will expand upon.

The main reason I'm posting Martin Shkreli's interview is because he shares with us that his time in prison, while unpalatable on the whole, 'was' one of the most educational experiences he ever had, and he came through it with flying colours. He's a polymath, a likeable character and deeply spiritual view on existence and consciousness. There's nothing more I like, than admitting I was wrong and changing my view and being able to publish it so there's no confusion with respect to chronological documentation, and claims I've 'stated' here.

Hillary Clinton was executed in public while recorded live on 9/11 2016 so the world could see what took me quite a while to process in my head.

Written without prejudice, All rights reserved - charlesedwardfrith™

Monday 16 September 2019

New Whistleblower Testimony Against Brennan & Rosenstein

Testimony like this is invariably scrubbed from the net so I urge you to either rip it or listen in a timely manner.

This is the best whistleblower recording since, we found out the allegedly vivid reason for the OKC bombing.

It's also a troubling interview to listen to as the interviewer breaks down sobbing; listening to how the deep state crushes people it fears could be a liability to its existence. (She's also emotive to a lesser degree, when there's no need to be, but the interview is still worth persevering with).

The interviewee has some breathing problems from the beatings he sustained, so give that a few minutes to get used to. Just because somebody is a cripple, doesn't mean it's funny.

What I found most interesting, most worthy of stealing from this intel drop, is how the deep state plans, thinks and acts to maintain it's own survival. 

There is no law when it comes to their aims, particularly from within the DOJ, CIA and FBI.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

FBI Whistleblower Dr Fred Whitehurst vs Director of FBI Louis Freeh

Louis Freeh headed the FBI for so much crooked stuff it's testimony to his sleaziness that he managed to make it to retirement. His style of managing crime investigation was to order the scientists to make the evidence fit the charge.

Anyone who has come close to power, be it at the DoJ, Dept of Justice, State Department, Secret Service or David Cameron's child porn Cyber Advisor Patrick Rock, will know that it's all rotten at the top and the psychopaths recognize this quicker than us dopey monkeys who are much more fun to hang around with, taking care of each other, laughing, smoking weed, giving and receiving love.

There are some stunning admissions in this interview where good people take pride in not stealing FBI expenses while happily lying in court just because the President says "No stone will be left unturned". So innocent people are sent to jail to save face. As usual those who cover up, lie and climb are promoted those who do their job are kicked out.

Thursday 7 March 2013

A Visit By The Department of Justice To My Blog

The corrupt Department of Justice visited the essential Kay Griggs post after a link drove 30000 people to this blog. I doubt anything will come of it but I hope for the US Marines and for Kay Griggs that lots of people wake the fuck up and realise that Satanism in the army is a large driver of human sacrifice and I include the bombing of Dresden and Tokyo in that category. Nobody has ever challenged me to a recorded debate on this matter. I only know a handful of people who know more than I. It's a few hundred hours of evidence gathering.

The State Department in Washington D.C. also paid very close attention to this post. Your choice how you wish to interpret it.