Showing posts with label alchemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alchemy. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 December 2023

I'm Probably Wrong About Everything - Jon Rappoport & Gerry Fialka

Jon we know from his red pilled journalism and particularly for his focus on epidemics, disease and pandemics long before Certificate of Vaccination ID [covid].

Gerry I only discovered this evening as I did a catch up on what Jay Weidner has been up to lately. Jay was the guy who took Kubrick mainstream (worldwide) in the research community with his Alchemical Kubrick post. Gerry reminds me of a time travelling Isaac Asimov. Great questions and responses in both conversations, but this one is a zinger.

I came back to credit Jay with a link to his original post but he's removed it from his website so here's an archive link if you wish.

Thursday 24 January 2019

The Alchemical Processing of Humanity - Michael Hoffman

A more simplified version has been made by Truth Stream Media. Does Society realise it's being initiated? These were both made independently of each other, and yet hours apart.

Friday 13 January 2012

Nazis, Torsion Fields, Alchemy & CERN Time Travel

I've never been all that interested in the Nazis outside of the usual contribution to history that tyrants make but they do crop up periodically in the UFO literature from their connection via Werner Von Braun to Jet Propulsion Laboratories because of the seemingly advanced technology they were tinkering with at the end of the war including torsion field technology.

It just seems odd to me though that the time machine allegedly used by John Titor which he posted the schematics of, had two counter rotating torsion fields (black holes) to warp space time and that idea also crops up in this discussion between Dr. Joseph Farrell and Jay Weidner. 

The question for me is where did this idea come from and why do advanced scientific ideas seem to emerge from completely disparate areas on the web when I'm not looking for them? Let's not forget that the CERN collider is in principle two counter rotating torsion fields though of course the aim is to smash particles together and 'tear holes in the universe'.

Is this a good time to mention Freeman's observation that the CERN logo is a 666? Probably not but then while I'm at it, it's always worth mentioning that if we convert letters to numbers, A=1 etc and then add letters over 2 digits together then FOX news comes to 666 as well. Logos and numerology is always a good post to go into if I run out of things to say. I made a start in that Pi post but didn't want to get too sidetracked.

John Titor posts an interesting question about time travel to his sceptical online audience. He asked if they could have prevented Pearl Harbour. Would they do so? They all replied of course. Then he asked how they would then feel if the United States was kept out of the war only to watch Nazi Germany develop a nuclear bomb (as all the Space travel and nuclear scientists came from Germany) how would they think then? Questions like this are worth thinking about.

Update: This video connecting CERN to John Titor (and his IBM 5100 mission) is too juicy not to add to this post. I need to find out if it was made after John Titor's emergence on the net which I suspect it was but still. It's extraordinary stuff unless Japanese Anime is mining English memes for plots.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Jay Weidner's Latest Interview

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Jay Weidner's latest interview on Blog Talk Radio where the interviewer mispronounces his name when introducing him (never a good sign). He makes the point that the best argument wins. Sounds fair to me.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Jay Weidner - Kubrick, Apollo & Alchemy

Called by Wired Magazine an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions,” and “erudite conspiracy hunter”, Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar. Considered to be a ‘modern-day Indiana Jones’ for his ongoing worldwide quests to find clues to mankind’s spiritual destiny via ancient societies and artifacts, his body of work offers great insight into the circumstances that have led to the current global crisis. He is the director of the powerful and insightful documentaries, Kubrick's Odyssey, Infinity; The Ultimate Trip, and the forthcoming feature film, Shasta. He is also the producer of the popular documentary films, 2012 The Odyssey and its sequel, Timewave 2013. 

Thursday 6 October 2011

Alex Putney Interviewed By Henrik Palmgren Of Red Ice Radio

Alex Putney is behind the website Human Resonance. Human Resonance has been organized to share the rediscovery of a superfluid resonance technology of our ancient Sanskrit mother culture, crystallizing the body and synchronizing human consciousness. He returns to the program to discuss extra terrestrial and prophetic messages about 2012 and the high resonance changes and transformations that humankind and our planet might be facing in the next few years. We discuss the next magnetic reversal, Betelgeuse supernova being visible from earth in 2012 and giant skeletons found in Ecuador, where Alex currently is. Then, Alex talks about purification of water and physical alchemy, a scientific experiment that now is taking place in the United States by Joe Champion. Dr Champion has allegedly managed to transmute copper, lead and other metals into precious metals such as silver, gold and platinum. 

More topics discussed: giants in Ecuador, Acamboro artifacts, acoustic resonance field change, gravity, oxygen levels, dinosaurs and humans existing at the same time, the shift of the ages, 1968, in South Africa, "Valdar", "Sola Kananda", Billy Eduard Meier and the Plejarans, Ptah, magnetic reversal, Betelgeuse supernova visible from earth in 2012, Charles Fort, Fortean Times, sinkholes, mining, oil, earthquake lights, infrasound standing waves, birds and fish temperature related, low resonance, HAARP, psychopathic elite, the power of nature, high resonance change, making choices, Urandir Oliveira contact in Brazil, lightwater, protium, deuterium, pure form of heavy water, water in Antarctica, HHO plasma, Malta underground spiral structure, red dawn, waves of UVA Infrared light, Hopi final warning, levitation stones, heartbeat resonance of pyramids, energetic waters, physical laws changing, entropy decrease, return to a 360 day year, the golden year, straightening of the earth axis, modern alchemy, Semjase, metals alloy and Low Energy Nuclear Change (LENC). Part two of this interview is available here.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Terence McKenna - Hermeticism & Alchemy

Another terrific recording of Terence McKenna with long forays into the roots of renaissance art and classicism as many people are unaware of McKenna's art historian roots before his Asia travels around Japan, Indonesia and Thailand.

Monday 12 September 2011

The Book of Aquarius - Wikileaks of Alchemy

Book Of Aquarius

Jay Weidner is an hermetic scholar and the most learned person I know of in Alchemy. Lately he has been saying in interviews that the Book of Aquarius is the real deal in terms of esoteric knowledge being released online. I've been getting the updates now for a few months so it's still a work in progress as the anonymous author continues with changes, but in terms of super secrets spilled online, such as the elixir of life this is apparently the real deal.

Monday 1 August 2011

Psychic Attacks & Self Defense - Robert Bruce, Greg Hunter


Coast 2 Coast audiences are sky-rocketing during this eclectic age of time folding in on itself like a recursive fractal. George Noory is one of the most seasoned radio host pros I listen to and from a wide range of alternative media. I skipped ahead to the main guest on this so if it's a bit boring to begin with click around till you hit on something that grabs your attention.